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Dynamic Interferential Spinal Cord Stimulation System

  • Meagan Medical has started product development on one of the most significant advances in spinal cord stimulation product history.  Meagan Medical has over twenty years of experience in the design, development and clinical use of interferential current (IFC) stimulation products. We believe that IFC’s medium frequency range of 500-20,000 Hz, in two intersecting currents, which combine to reduce tissue reactance and produce a deeper stimulation field could result in more effective pain relief than standard low frequency spinal cord stimulation and other high frequency SCS systems.

  • These IFC features have proven advantages:

  • The base medium frequency range of 500 to 20,000 Hz lowers tissue reactance, allowing the IFC to penetrate deeper into the tissue.

  • The interferential current field is created by two intersecting circuits creating a beat frequency deeper in the tissues at a higher amplitude where the two circuits intersect.  The beat frequency is a lower frequency equal to the difference of the two circuits, i.e. 4000-3900=100 Hz, and this beat frequency may have a range of 0-250 Hz. 

  • Deeper tissue penetration has proven to produce superior pain relief.

Spinal Cord Stimulation



Interferential Stimulation has proven advantages:


  1. The base medium frequency range of 500 to 20,000 Hz lowers tissue reactance, allowing the IFC to penetrate deeper into the tissue.

  2. The interferential current field is created by two intersecting circuits, creating a beat frequency deeper in the tissues at a higher amplitude where the two circuits intersect.  The beat frequency is a lower frequency equal to the difference of the two circuits, i.e. 4000-3900=100 Hz, and this beat frequency may have a range of 0-250 Hz.  Deeper tissue penetration has proven to produce superior pain relief.  




Meagan Medical will enforce its strong patent position which is supported by confirming research done at the Neuronano Research Center.


The patented DISCSS™ product will allow:


  1. Stimulation frequencies similar to the other “high frequency” product 

  2. Directional current control 

  3. variable beat frequencies that may improve pain control.  

Please Select to view the DISCSS PowerPoint 

Crossed vs. Parallel Placement

Cross Bias.jpg
Field intensity - cross bias.jpg
Parallel Bias.jpg
Field intensity - parallel bias.jpg

The computational results for field intensity across the surface of the spinal cord for the Cross-Bias orientation are shown in Figure 4-a. The field intensity is quite strong across the diameter of the cord, producing a broad, overlapping pattern of stimulation  without discrete localization of targets.  In contrast, the Parallel-Bias orientation (Figure 4-b) has a concentrated field intensity in the mid-line that is relatively specific.  This orientation shows greater promise for discrete targeting, accomplished by amplitude modulation of the two currents in the time domain to steer the depth of tissue penetration and anatomic location of the Center-Point of the field.  This allows discrete targeting for structures in the superficial Dorsal Column and demonstrates the ability to fine tune the Beat output and shape the wave to target structures in the Dorsal Column by slightly modulating the relative Amplitudes of the two channels.

DISCSS: Product
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